Frequently asked questions
Fees for individual counselling is $140 and couples counselling is $180 inclusive of GST.
We also offer reduced fees through Rough Patch Counselling, a social enterprise providing affordable counselling. Find out more here, or get in touch if you have any questions about this service.
Limited places available for reduced fee sessions. I work with Rough Patch clients online or in person.
No, just call or email and we will be happy to schedule you in for an appointment. If you want to refer a client to us, please email us and we will send you our agency referral form.
You do not need a Mental Health Care Plan approved by a general practitioner (your doctor) prior to accessing our service. We don’t currently offer Medicare rebates.
We require minimum 48 hours notice for cancellations, otherwise you will incur a fee. Cancellations made within 24 hours of the scheduled appointment, or non-attendance, will incur 100% of the consultation price.
In situations of genuine hardship, please arrange to discuss your situation.
We are committed to protecting your privacy and complying with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and other relevant state laws about the management of personal information. This Privacy Policy applies to the personal information we handle about both our clients and prospective clients.
In the event you are determined to be a risk of harm to yourself or others, or where required by law, the client-counsellor confidentiality and terms of the privacy policy may be breached. This is in order to ensure the safety of you, and others around you, and to comply with any legal requirements. Otherwise your information is confidential and can only be shared with your permission.