Workplace Wellness: Simple Techniques for Stress Relief at Work

As we step into a new year, many of us are reflecting on our personal and professional goals. But amidst the hustle and bustle of returning to work, it’s easy to overlook our mental wellbeing. The truth is, the workplace is often a significant source of stress, anxiety and burnout for many. And with the busyness of the holiday period, pre-planning how to manage stress at work before re-uniting with your desk, often gets put on the back burner. However, let’s take advantage of this ‘new year new you’ mindset, and talk about how to implement practical strategies to promote mental wellness in the professional setting. Some strategies to help you thrive at work in the new year and beyond include:

  1. Prioritise Proper Self-Care

    Self-care is more than hitting the gym and taking bubble baths. For a self-care strategy to be effective, it needs to address all 6 domains of self-care: physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, personal and professional. An example of a self-care plan that address all domains:

    Physical: sleeping 8 hours every night, exercising regularly and eating healthy meals.

    Psychological: Seeing a therapist, keeping a journal and/or meditating.

    Emotional: Engaging in a hobby and expressing gratitude.

    Spiritual: Spending time in nature and/or engage in religious practices.

    Personal: Making time for friends and family.

    Professional: Ensuring to take your breaks and leave entitlements.

  2. Establish Clear Work Hours

    It’s important to implement professional boundaries to effectively maintain work-life balance. Be sure to establish seperate work and personal life hours. Eating lunch at your desk is SO last year. Taking time to eat and recharge without worrying about work is essential for your wellbeing and to avoid burnout. Mixing it up by eating outside or in a communal area can help refresh your mind and boost productivity!

  3. Set Boundaries and Prioritise Your Workload

    It’s crucial to learn to say “no” to non-essential tasks and focus on high-priority tasks. If you feel you’ve been overloaded with tasks, particularly those outside your job description, be sure to share your concerns with your team and manager. Taking on too much will lead to stress and burnout, and ultimately affects your performance. By prioritising your workload, you can deliver high-quality work on what truly matters. Worried saying no would risk your chance at a promotion? Instead of outright saying no, suggest other solutions such as delegating the task or offering to help at a later time. Do you struggle with this? Reach out to a therapist for support increasing assertiveness and managing perfectionism.

  4. Breathe In, Breathe Out

    Rhythmic breathing is a simple and quick way to release stress in the workplace. Studies show that just 4-6 cycles of slow, deep breathing can help slow your heart rate and calm your nervous system. For my profound relaxation responses, aim for 8-10 cycles of rhythmic breathing. This takes just around 2 minutes! Feeling stressed and overwhelmed? No harm in taking a 2 minute bathroom break for some deep breaths to return to calm before going back to your desk to refocus.

  5. Access EAPs and Other Mental Health Resources

    Utilise EAPs (Employee Assistance Programs) for confidential mental health support and counselling. It’s also worth participating in mental health training and education programs to increase awareness and understanding. Does your workplace offer mental health days? Take mental health days off when needed, just as you would a sick day.

    Remember, taking care of your mental wellness is essential in maintaining your overall wellbeing and job performance!


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